
Painting with code - by Marc Philippin

Welcome to this space reserved for collectors.

Here you can preview the 1512 digital painting from the LIFE-collection. Each book contains 84 paintings.
Each volume is unique and sold to a single copy. The owner of the book become the single purchaser of digital files matching.
Take your time before making your choice. Thank you for support and your visit. For your order, please contact me at the following address : marcphilippinATyahoo.fr

For each book you receive USB stick containing all files of the paintings, ready to print in JPG, 70x50 cm, A3, A4, digital and originals in TIFF format. Most a PDF and a video to mp4 for your collection. For a release on all support.

Document PDF 1.2 Mo

Art | Painting | Code | Marc Philippin © 2015